Anti-Bullying and Harassment Practices (8/10 2019)
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Anti-Bullying and Harassment Practices - Lessons from education to work
In a desire for something constructive to come out of recent high profile cases of bullying and harassment, the CIPD Milton Keynes Group and the Queens Award charity, MKIAC has come together to bring you this important free half-day event. The aim is to attract interested parties (HR professionals, School Teachers, Head Teachers, concerned parents and guardians, pupils, Parent Teacher Associations and School governors) to appreciate the impact bullying and harassment has on the wellbeing of citizens as they transition from education to work so we can nip the unwanted behaviours in the bud.
The aim is to encourage collective accountability locally to create inclusive cultures by working collaboratively to tackle underlying systemic issues going forward post-workshop. Within the Thames Valley Area, Milton Keynes has the highest reported number of hate incidents. Many consider young people and workers are having to cope with unwanted behaviours in a particularly hostile environment. This creates an added urgency to bring different local groups to work collaboratively for the interests of community cohesion and wellbeing.
Workshop Objectives:
By the end event, delegates will be able to:
- Raise awareness of the effects of bullying and harassment at School and how unwanted behaviours
transition to workplaces - Underline the importance of an environment where everyone feels safe from bullying and harassment
- Fair, robust, balanced & sensitive investigations
- Discuss legal frameworks on bullying and harassment in the school and work context
- Identify and discuss tactics used to bully and harass others on and off-line
- Understand the role of the parties: perpetrators, victim, bystanders, HR, Leadership, family
- Explore the different parties can play in eliminating that bullying and harassment (leaders, teachers, parents, bystanders, victims, alleged perpetrators]
- Demonstrate how to intervene in having difficult conversations to challenge bullying and harassment as a leader or bystander and victim; as a perpetrator how to seek help
- Case studies will be discussed and explored including the mental health effects of bullying
- Help you create a personal and organisational action plan that includes options for prevention, coaching, mediation, restorative justice, counselling, training
- Encourage collaborative and inclusive working at a local level to take collective accountability for tackling unwanted behaviours
- Provide signposts to additional learning resources
Professional photography and video production will be taking place at the event, and these images may be used on future promotional materials for CIPD. Please note that by attending the event, you are giving your consent for your image to be used on any CIPD promotional materials.